Welcome !

Who we are

Pro-action development is a society with a clear humanitarian mission - our main actions:
- To encourage hygiene practices
- To support health prevention actions
- To promote sustainable sanitary practices (water sanitation and procurement)
- To improve the environmental resilience of communities
- To set up agroforestry and gardening projects

We are present in many local communities:

- Malawi (from 2004 to 2011)
- Burundi (since 2009)
- Haiti (since 2011)

What we do

We take the lead, work hand in hand with the local partners and implement projects in the  most impoverished local communities:
- We work in close collaboration with our local partners on the field
-  We provide the means to these local parties to ensure continuity in the projects implemented.

How we help

PAD exists to provide support and guidance. Our mission is to enhance autonomy and long-lasting actions to those local communities in need. We do all the below:
- integrate the local parties in the decison process from start to finish. It is important to understand their needs and ways of living.
- set up committees to enhance greater awareness on hygiene and the best way to handle water works.
- provide the means: qualified labour-work and a stock of spare parts thanks to an established local network (local institutions and local traders).
- seek the support of the local authorities to establish our proven & tested projects.